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23 May 2024
Middelfart, Denmark
Plant Food Symposia 2024


09.00 - 09.30 Registration and refreshments
09.30 - 09.35Welcome by the moderator, Ida Ebbensgaard, journalist, moderator.dk
09.35 - 10.00Keynote speaker; Frank D Haagensen, PhD, Head of Global Applications, Plant Based Dairy, Novonesis
10.00 - 10.10 Introducing the purpose of the series of symposia by Thomas de Bang, Senior Scientific Lead at Novo Nordisk Foundation
10.10 - 10.45

Overview of funding opportunities for supporting research and innovation in plant-based food, v. Plant2Food, ArgiFoodTure, the Danish Plant-Based Food Grant and GUDP

  • Plant2Food
  • AgriFoodTure
  • Plant-Based Food Grant
  • GUDP
10.45 - 11.45Pitches from funded projects within all the platforms 
11.45 - 12.30Meet & Greet / 1:1 Matchmaking session
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 14.15Panel debate; How can academia and industry collaborate on accelerating innovation and sustainable development of a more plant-based diet – what R&D activities are needed?

  • Christian Bugge Henriksen, Associate professor at UCPH
  • Randi Wahlsten, CEO at Matr Foods
  • Anna Hagemann Rise, Head of Communications at Nestlé
  • Benjamin Maclean, Chief Commercial Officer at Cano-ela
  • Milena Corredig, Professor at Aarhus University
14.15 - 15.15Workshop session I: Identifying knowledge gaps and corresponding key challenges  
15.15 - 15.45 Short bio break and refreshments
15.45 - 16.45Workshop session II: Outline research needs and future workstreams
16.45 - 17.00Closing remarks from moderator

Closed since 22 May 2024
Location Hindsgavl Slot, Hindsgavl Allé 7, Middelfart
Organised by
Denmark 108
Netherlands 2
Sweden 1
Total 111
University and Knowledge Institution 46
Company 22
Organisation 16
Authority / Public institution 11
Start-up 7
Private person / Freelancer 4
Others 2
Total 108